- Accesorii si componente biciclete
- Cuie/Sârmă/Electrozi
- Chimice
- Dispozitive si sisteme de iluminat
- Drujba si motocoase – piese si componente
- Echipamente de protectie
- Fără categorie
- Electrice
- Fitinguri
- Feronerie
- Incendiu și PSI
- Instalatii gaz
- Instalații sanitare
- Accesorii instalatii sanitare
- Accesorii baie
- Accesorii baterii
- Accesorii cada
- Accesorii calorifere
- Accesorii chiuvete
- Accesorii etansarea instalatii sanitare
- Accesorii rezervoare wc
- Accesorii vase de expansiune
- Accesorii vase de wc
- Aerisitoare
- Console chiuvete
- Filtre / purificatoare
- Garnituri instalatii sanitare
- Kit de siguranta instalatii
- Supape de sens
- Supape de siguranta
- Apometre
- Bacuri de sudura
- Baterii baie
- Baterii bucatarie
- Chiuvete inox
- Distribuitoare
- Obiecte sanitare
- Presostate
- Racorduri
- Rezervoare de wc
- Termomanometre
- Termostate
- Usite de vizitare
- Vase de expansiune
- Accesorii instalatii sanitare
- Mobilier baie
- Organe de asamblare
- Agatator
- Ancore
- Banda reparatii
- Belciuge
- Benzi adezive
- Benzi mascare
- Benzi perforate
- Benzi protectie
- Benzi rigips
- Bride
- Carabine
- Chei tachelaj
- Cleme
- Coliere strangere / fixare
- Coltari aluminiu
- Colțari, plăci perforate și papuci reazem
- Conexpanduri
- Dibluri
- Distantiere
- Garnituri
- Lanț comercial
- Piulite
- Prelungitoare tije filetate
- Roti pentru carucioare
- Șaibe
- Sigurante de fixare
- Suruburi
- Pompe recirculare
- Pompe si hidrofoare
- Reductoare de apa
- Robineti
- Scule si unelte
- Abrazive, perii din sârmă
- Accesorii curatenie
- Amestecatoare
- Amplificatoare de forta
- Aparate cu jet de apa
- Aparate si accesorii pentru slefuit
- Aparate si accesorii pentru sudura si lipit
- Aspiratoare
- Bancuri de lucru
- Banda adeziva
- Benzi izolatoare
- Benzi mascare
- Biti
- Bormasini si accesorii bormasini
- Burghie
- Capsatoare si capse
- Chei combinate
- Chei cu clicket
- Chei fixe
- Chei franceze
- Chei hexagonale
- Chei inelare
- Chei pentru bujii
- Chei pentru tevi
- Chei pneumatice
- Chei reglabile
- Chei tubulare
- Ciocane
- Clesti
- Compresoare
- Cutii pentru scule, organizatoare
- Dalti, dornuri
- Dispozitive de gresat
- Dispozitive de transport
- Filiere, tarozi
- Generatoare
- Instrumente de masura si control
- Menghine
- Pile, polizoare
- Pistoale cu aer
- Pistoale pentru silicon
- Pistoale pentru spuma
- Prese
- Roabe
- Scripeti, corzi, sfori…
- Scule depanare auto
- Scule pentru cuie
- Scule pentru marcari
- Scule pentru taiat, decupat
- Scule pentru vopsit
- Scule pentru zidarie
- Scule speciale
- Scule tamplarie
- Surubelnite
- Surubelnite electrice
- Țeavă
- Sisteme de avertizare
- Uz casnic si gospodaresc
Filtrare produse
Categorie: Bookkeeping
Notes Payable Journal Entry: Example and How to Record
11 Financial is a registered investment adviser located in Lufkin, Texas. 11 Financial may only transact business in those states in which it is registered, or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. 11 Financial’s website is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to its advisory services, together with access to …
Notes Payable Journal Entry: Example and How to RecordRead More
Restaurant Bookkeeping and Accounting: How to do it?
If you’re opening a franchise restaurant business, such as Pizza Hut or TGI Friday’s, you’ll source your food directly from suppliers as instructed by the home office. But if you’re striking out on your own, you’ll be responsible for buying ingredients, possibly every day. Chances are you’ve noticed this already if you’ve ordered a bottle …
Restaurant Bookkeeping and Accounting: How to do it?Read More
Accounting reconciliation: What it is and how its done
Regular reconciliation provides a clear and transparent view of the company’s financial status, which is vital for internal decision-making and stakeholder communication. Stripe’s reconciliation process involves comparing your business’s internal records, such as invoices, with external records like settlement files, payout files, and bank statements. Stripe’s automated system handles this comparison, enabling you to …
Accounting reconciliation: What it is and how its doneRead More
Temporary Accounts Definition and Explanation
Generally speaking, these types of accounts will have higher interest rates than regular checking or savings accounts since they represent a longer commitment from the customer. Temporary accounts are also called nominal accounts, temporary ledger accounts, or suspense accounts. To learn more about this software and how it can benefit your business, schedule a demo …
2021 tax filing season begins Feb 12; IRS outlines steps to speed refunds during pandemic Internal Revenue Service
Therefore, tax season is usually considered to be between Jan. 1 and April 15. With lots of news around the child tax credit this year – including 16 states that also have a credit, and Congress working on an expanded credit – we’ll explain when you can expect your refund if you’re claiming a credit. …
Credit Memo: A Complete Guide to Credit Memorandums
Thus, we see from the above points that the main difference lies in the purpose for which they are used. Depending on that, the accounting treatment is made in the books. Let us understand the concept of credit memo form with the help of a suitable example. Performing post-purchase price adjustments Another dent to your …
Credit Memo: A Complete Guide to Credit MemorandumsRead More
Accrual Accounting vs Cash Basis Accounting Differences
While some business owners are free to choose the type of accounting method they want to use, others aren’t. For instance, if you manage inventory or let your customers make purchases on credit, you must use accrual accounting. The first time you file business taxes, you must declare which accounting method you’re using. Learn about …
Accrual Accounting vs Cash Basis Accounting DifferencesRead More
How to Perform a Year-End Clean Up on Your Accounting Books
Answering these questions will give you an idea of the resources you need to dedicate to the cleanup project, which will help set your price correctly. Both can be handled by getting organized, improving communication with clients, and automating tasks. This will catch any transaction posted to an account after it has been reconciled and …
How to Perform a Year-End Clean Up on Your Accounting BooksRead More
How do I get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number ITIN?
See – ITIN Updated Procedures Frequently Asked Questions. Security Certification of the TurboTax Online application has been performed by C-Level Security. Simple Form 1040 returns only (no schedules except for Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and student loan interest). is the new centralized place for finding government benefits for health care, housing, …
How do I get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number ITIN?Read More
QuickBooks® Online Pricing & Free Trial official Site
No, it is relatively easy to use, although corrections can be more challenging. However, so if you work with a professional accountant, they will likely have an in-depth understanding of the platform and can guide you through its functions. Get all the functionality of basic reports plus the ability to run specific budgeting, vol ia …
QuickBooks® Online Pricing & Free Trial official SiteRead More